GPS leveller,product introducation

Time:2017-12-18 Browse times:12335frequency Share more:
GPS leveller,product introducation

1. Product introduction

GPS leveling series are mainly used for land reclamation, land leveling, designing drainage systems, etc. It is very important for the planting of rice, corn and other crops.

GPS leveling series products are equipped with high-precision antennas to reduce leveling error, and make the measurement error within ±2cm.

Our GPS leveling products are fully upgraded on the basis of traditional leveling equipment to make automatic leveling possible, and the leveling work can really save time, labor and money.


2. Product description

According to different needs, GPS leveling products can be divided into LL2, LL3 and LL6.

GPS leveling products can carry out leveling projects in different ways according to customer requirements:

 1. Level the surface, such as leveling the rice field, etc.

 2. Complete land leveling with different slope requirements

 3. Used for road construction land leveling.