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Up to 30000 yuan can be claimed, and the subsidy policy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery has arrived

Time:2024-07-04 Browse times:133frequency Share more:

Up to 30000 yuan can be claimed, and the subsidy policy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery has arrived

Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

The General Office of the Ministry of Finance on Increasing Work Effort

Continuously implementing the scrapping and updating of agricultural machinery

Notification of subsidy policies

Nongban Machinery [2024] No. 4

In order to deeply implement the spirit of the fourth meeting of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics, implement the deployment requirements of the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Exchange (Guofa [2024] No. 7), continue to implement the policy of scrapping, updating, and subsidizing agricultural machinery, accelerate the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery, and improve the level of high-end, intelligent, and green agricultural machinery, the Ministry of Commerce hereby issues the following work notice.

1、 Overall requirements

Deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, implement the requirements for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, follow the decision-making arrangements for promoting high-quality development, adhere to the principles of "voluntary participation of farmers, policy support, convenience and efficiency, safety and environmental protection", further increase the elimination of old agricultural machinery with high energy consumption, heavy pollution, and low safety performance through policy support, accelerate the promotion and application of advanced, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, safe and reliable agricultural machinery, strive to optimize the structure of agricultural machinery and equipment, promote the transformation and upgrading of agricultural mechanization, and green development of agriculture.

2、 Subsidy recipients

The central government arranges funds from subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, implements subsidy policies for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery, and provides appropriate subsidies for scrapping old agricultural machinery. The subsidy targets farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations engaged in agricultural production. Agricultural production and operation organizations include rural collective economic organizations, farmer professional cooperative economic organizations, agricultural enterprises, and other organizations engaged in agricultural production and operation.

3、 Subsidy types and scrapping conditions

The types of scrapped agricultural machinery subsidized by the central government funds are agricultural machinery and other key machines and tools that may endanger the safety of people and property as stipulated in the Regulations on the Safety Supervision and Administration of Agricultural Machinery, including tractors, seeders, combine harvesters (including machinery used for the joint harvesting of crops such as grain, cotton, oil and sugar), rice transplanters, agricultural Beidou auxiliary driving system, motorized spray (flour) machines, motorized threshers, feed (grass) mills, grass choppers, etc. The specific types of subsidies will be selected and determined by the provinces in combination with the actual situation. If each province needs to further expand the scope of subsidies, in addition to the central funds and provincial statutory expenditure responsibilities, an appropriate amount of funds can be arranged, combined with the needs of agricultural production and the level of agricultural mechanization development, focusing on important tasks such as increasing the yield of major crops such as grain and oil on a large scale, and focusing on increasing production and reducing losses, 2-3 types of scrapped agricultural machinery can be determined on their own, and implemented after joint reporting to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance at the provincial level for record keeping.

The main components such as engines of scrapped agricultural machinery that apply for subsidies should be complete, with clear and legal sources. The owner of the machinery (referring to farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations who legally own the machinery) should make a written commitment to the source and ownership of the machinery. Agricultural machinery included in certification management must provide certification issued by the agricultural machinery safety supervision agency; If there is no license plate or it is not included in the license plate management, it should have identification information such as nameplate or factory number, chassis number, etc. The technical conditions such as the service life of scrapped agricultural machinery shall be determined by each province in accordance with relevant machinery scrapping standards. For agricultural machinery that has not reached the scrapping period but has significant safety hazards, high failure rates, severe damage, high maintenance costs, and outdated technology, it is allowed to apply for scrapping subsidies.

4、 Subsidy standards and funding arrangements

The central government's subsidy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery consists of two parts: the subsidy for scrapping and the subsidy for updating. The subsidy for scrapped parts shall be implemented as a fixed subsidy, and the subsidy amount shall be determined by the provincial agricultural and rural departments and the financial departments. The subsidy for scrapping tractors, three major grain crop combine harvesters, seeders, and agricultural Beidou assisted driving systems shall not exceed the maximum subsidy amount issued in this notice (see Annex 1). Each province may merge or refine the categories and levels based on this, and determine the specific subsidy amount. For cotton pickers and sugarcane combine harvesters with strong regional characteristics, small usage scope, and high market value, the subsidy for scrapping a single agricultural machine should not exceed 30000 yuan and 25000 yuan, respectively. The subsidy for scrapping other agricultural machinery is generally calculated at no more than 30% of the subsidy for the purchase and application of the same type of agricultural machinery, and is determined by taking into account factors such as transportation and dismantling costs and residual value. The subsidy for scrapping a single agricultural machinery is generally not more than 20000 yuan. The subsidy for scrapping the agricultural Beidou assisted driving system should not exceed 800 yuan in principle, and the application for scrapping subsidy should be based on the purchase of new equipment. The list of agricultural machinery scrapping subsidies determined by each province's own calculation needs to be filed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance before implementation. For agricultural machinery models included in the subsidy scope for scrapping in multiple provinces, the agricultural and rural departments of adjacent provinces should strengthen information communication and strive for relatively uniform and stable subsidy amounts. The updated subsidy standards will be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidy policy.

In the subsidy funds for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery issued by the central government in 2024, the subsidy funds for the scrapping of old agricultural machinery have been specifically calculated and arranged. The specific amount of funds will be notified to each province for reference and implementation. Beijing, cities with separate plans, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau should coordinate and make good use of the funds carried forward from the previous year and the newly arranged funds for 2024, for the reimbursement of subsidies for scrapping old agricultural machinery.

5、 Determine recycling and dismantling enterprises

Scrap agricultural machinery recycling and dismantling enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "recycling enterprises") should mainly be qualified scrapped motor vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprises, and can also choose other enterprises or cooperatives that have agricultural machinery recycling and dismantling business in accordance with the law. The specific regulations shall be determined by the agricultural and rural departments of each province in accordance with the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Agricultural Machinery Safety, and shall be made public to the society. For the agricultural Beidou assisted driving system, each province can conduct a separate review of the qualification of the recycling enterprise based on the actual situation to determine the recycling enterprise. Recycling enterprises shall comply with relevant national regulations on fire safety, environmental protection, and carry out the recycling and dismantling of scrapped agricultural machinery in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Recycling and Dismantling of Scrapped Agricultural Machinery (NY/T2900-2022) and other relevant regulations.

6、 Operating procedures

(1) Scrap the old machine. The machine owner voluntarily sells the agricultural machinery to be scrapped to the recycling enterprise. Recycling enterprises shall verify the information of the machine owner and the agricultural machinery to be scrapped, issue the "Confirmation Form for Scrapped Agricultural Machinery Recycling (Style)" (see Annex 2, hereinafter referred to as the "Confirmation Form") to the machine owner, and provide the information of the machine owner and scrapped agricultural machinery to the county-level agricultural and rural departments. Recycling enterprises should promptly dismantle and establish archives of recycled agricultural machinery, and carry out destructive treatment on engines and other components prohibited by the state for production and sales. The dismantling archives should include nameplates or other relevant information that can reflect the identity of agricultural machinery, and the retention period should not be less than 3 years. County level agricultural and rural departments should supervise the dismantling or destruction of agricultural machinery by recycling enterprises.

(2) Cancel registration. Tractors and combine harvesters that are included in the certification management shall host the Confirmation Form and relevant certificates, and go to the local institution responsible for agricultural machinery certification management to handle the certification cancellation procedures in accordance with the law. After verifying the information of the machine owner and scrapped agricultural machinery, the relevant institutions shall handle the procedures for certificate cancellation in accordance with the law, and sign the "Confirmation Form" with the words "Cancellation Registration Completed".

(3) Redemption of subsidies. The machine owner shall apply for subsidies in accordance with local regulations with a valid Confirmation Form. The local agricultural and rural departments, as well as the finance department, conduct audits according to their respective responsibilities, and the finance department cashes subsidy funds to eligible machine owners. Each region can set an upper limit on the number of agricultural machinery that farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations can enjoy scrapping subsidies within the year based on actual conditions. County level agricultural and rural departments should reasonably determine the annual number of scrapped subsidy agricultural machinery in accordance with the principle that the total amount of scrapped subsidy machinery does not exceed the total amount of purchased subsidy machinery.

Each province should establish and refine a process for scrapping and dismantling agricultural machinery that is in line with the actual situation of the province, based on convenience and benefit to the people, improving efficiency, and controlling implementation risks.

7、 Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Agricultural and rural departments at all levels, as well as financial departments, should effectively strengthen the organizational leadership of agricultural machinery scrapping and updating subsidies, clarify the division of responsibilities, closely cooperate, and form a working force. We need to refine and improve management measures, and establish sound institutional mechanisms. We need to strengthen policy promotion and expand public awareness. Vigorously promote information disclosure, publicly disclose information on subsidies, fully disclose information on implementation plans, subsidy amounts, operating procedures, complaint consultation methods, etc., and actively accept supervision. We need to strengthen training and warning education on subsidy business, improve the professional quality and risk prevention and control ability of staff. Local financial departments at all levels should increase investment and ensure necessary work funds.

(2) Provide convenient services. Relevant departments in various regions should strengthen their service awareness, innovate their work methods, encourage the adoption of convenient measures such as "one-stop" services and online processing, and improve work efficiency and service quality. We need to do a good job in connecting with the information platform for purchasing and applying subsidies for agricultural machinery, accelerate the interconnection and exchange of information such as recycling and dismantling with information related to purchasing and applying subsidies for agricultural machinery, and improve the efficiency of verifying subsidy application materials. Encourage motor vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprises, agricultural machinery maintenance enterprises, and agricultural machinery cooperatives to cooperate in carrying out agricultural machinery scrapping and recycling work in accordance with relevant regulations, and encourage recycling enterprises to come and collect and handle business.

(3) Strengthen supervision and management. Each province should incorporate the implementation of subsidies for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery into the performance management assessment of agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidies, and strengthen the application of results. Relevant departments should further improve the supervision mechanism for agricultural machinery scrapping and updating subsidies in accordance with their respective responsibilities, enhance their information technology supervision capabilities, gradually incorporate the entire process and all links of agricultural machinery scrapping into the scope of information technology supervision, and implement full chain supervision through regular access to video surveillance of recycling enterprises to prevent fake scrapping of machinery and the flow into the secondary mobile phone market. For agricultural machinery and tools that have not been included in the certification management, each province should formulate risk prevention and control measures, strictly strengthen supervision, strictly investigate illegal behaviors such as false reporting and subsidy fraud, and severely punish violators. If a recycling enterprise is found to have violated regulations, measures such as warning, notification, suspension of participation in subsidy implementation and rectification within a specified period, and prohibition of participation in subsidy implementation should be taken depending on the severity of the situation. Enterprises, individuals, and agricultural production and operation organizations that engage in fraudulent activities to obtain state subsidy funds should be dealt with seriously in accordance with the relevant regulations and principles of subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and be included in the "blacklist". We should fully leverage the role of social supervision, smooth channels for complaints and reports, and conscientiously accept, verify, and handle public reports and complaints.

(4) Timely report the situation. Each province shall formulate and issue an implementation plan for the subsidy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery in accordance with this notice and based on actual conditions, and copy it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance. We need to strengthen the statistical analysis of implementation progress, strictly implement the quarterly progress reporting system, do a good job in summarizing and analyzing half a year and the whole year, and submit a summary of the subsidy work for agricultural machinery scrapping and renewal for half a year and the whole year before July 10th and December 10th each year.

    This notice shall come into effect from the date of its publication, and the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the General Office of the Ministry of Finance, and the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce on Issuing the Implementation Guidelines for Subsidies for Scrapping and Updating Agricultural Machinery (Nongbanji [2020] No. 2) shall be simultaneously abolished.

Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Office of the Ministry of Finance

June 17, 2024